
The Principles of Endodontics, 3ed, 2020 Publication Date: October 20, 2019

฿2,480 ฿1,984

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EAN: N/A SKU: 9780198812074 Category:

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Dimensions 274.32 × 220.98 × 274.32 mm
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About The Author

Shanon Patel

The Principles of Endodontics, Third Edition is a contemporary and easy-to-read guide on why and how to carry out safe and effective endodontic treatment. Fully revised and updated, the third edition applies endodontic theory to clinical practice in a pragmatic and user-friendly way.
This comprehensive guide covers the core areas of endodontics, from embryology of the dentine-pulp complex to restoration of the endodontically treated tooth. The new edition includes advice on how to solve problems that can occur during treatment, and new self-assessment questions. Fully revised, the ‘How to’ sections provide current step-by-step guidance. With added colour photographs and line drawings, the book reflects the latest available material and equipment, and highlights interesting clinical cases.